GDPR Compliance
Miss Ellie's of Coventry is GDPR (General protection Data Regulator) Compliant
As of May 25th 2018 all business will have to be GDPR Compliant by law.
Personal data is stored securely and lawfully in a password protected environment. Personal data - name, ID number, location data, online identifier or factors to the physical, physiological, genetic, mental, economic, cultural or social identity of customers is never disclosed to a third party or stored longer than necessary to comply with HMRC Guidance.
HMRC data recording with regard to invoicing states records must be kept for 7 years, only the first initial, surname and ID number will be stored in a password protected, online document. Paper copies are not kept.
Sensitive data is never stored and in the nature of Miss Ellie's of Coventry is rarely ever disclosed.
Explicit consent is sought if an email address or contact number is to shared or sent - for example, this may be asking if a florist or dressmaker can be passed your email or number so they can make contact with you, or to refer you to another caterer, venue and so forth.
If you require any additional information about the implications of GDPR compliance for your order with Miss Ellie's of Coventry please contact us using the contact form.
Thank you